Rosie has only been a member with CrossFit 262 for a few months but has quickly turned into one of our most dedicated athletes. Rosie had an amazing transformation through the 4 weeks of the nutrition challenge, and as everyone at 262 knows, she’s been absolutely crushing the workouts every single day.

She can always be found working on weaknesses before and after class. Rosie put just as much effort into the nutrition challenge as she does in the gym by prepping all of her meals and not going out to eat for the whole month.

Recently Rosie completed a 10K race and for the first time placed first in her age group and PR’d her 10K time.

Congrats to Rosie for putting in the work and finding awesome results. We are extremely thankful to have her as part of the WBG community!

Interested in our nutrition coaching programs? Get your free nutrition guide below and check out our coaching options here.

Rosie’s thoughts on our nutrition coaching…

I participated in this challenge after losing 15 pounds, so it was like the icing on the cake. My body got tighter and my muscles more defined. I compared my body to previous pictures the first week and that is what kept me motivated. I love the recipes. I keep making many like them and I keep lowering my body fat. Thanks to the coaches for the support and making this 28 days challenge easier!



Pounds Lost


Body Fat Lost

CM off Waist

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In October we ran our wildly successful Abstober daily abs program for our members. Now we've compiled every sit up, every V up, every plank, every farmer's carry...every last rep, over 31 days, into one super handy guide. And we're giving it to you for FREE. Follow along with these do-anywhere, infinitely scabale workouts to build a strong core with skulpted abs. Doable for any ability, video demos included.

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