Strict Press (5-5-5-5)
Use dumbbells. Attempt to go 5# heavier than last week.
Regionals 3+4 variant (AMRAP – Reps)
6 minute AMRAP:
100 Wall Ball shots
50 Pull Ups
Rest to 8 minutes
8 minute AMRAP:
25 Air Squats*
15 Power Cleans 115/73 *Rx+ = Pistols, alternating
Abdominal Supplement 47 (No Measure)
5 Rounds:
20 Straight Legged Sit Ups
30 Russian Twists
30 Second straight arm v-hold
Use a medball light enough to keep moving.
You want abs? You think abs are free?!?!?
Wise Man Supplement (No Measure)
1 Minute Pigeon Per side
1 Minute Couch Per side
1 Minute 8 point shoulder stretch per sidehttp://www.msn.com/en-us/health/yoga/exercise/YG-IN-0142/eight-point-shoulder-opener
Smart people do this.
#CrossFit #CrossFitStirlingRoad #CrossFit305 #CrossFitA1A #Fitness #Abs #Cleans #WallBalls #WOD #AMRAP #EMOM