Monday – Sunday | March 30 – April 5
Workout of The Day!
6, 8, 9, 10, 11am, 12, 5, 6, & 7pm
Kids! – 3pm
Teens! – 4pm (same as adult WOD, 13-18 welcome)
Saturday – 9am, 10am, 11am
Sunday – 9am, 10am, 11am KIDS, 11:30 YOGA
Wednesday – Join us for Hump Day Happy Hour (& Dance Party) at 8pm! We did this on Saturday and it was a BLAST! OH – and we’re doing it Saturday!
Saturday – 7:30pm DANCE PARTY!!!
All times EST | The best way to support your coaches is to SHOW UP!
CrossFit 262, CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit
Virtual Warm Up 11 (No Measure)
Pop this on and just dance around the house ok?
OK! yep yep
2 minutes of cardio
Row, run, jump rope, jumping jacks. etc.
2 rounds of:
:30 Lizard Pose left
:30 Lizard Pose right
:30 Tension Plank
:30 Side Plank left
:30 Side Plank right
These EMOMs are getting you Strong, OK?! (Weight)
Alternating EMOM 10
Min 1: Bench Press, Strict Press, Push Press, Strict HSPU, Pike Pushups or Push Ups, 10 reps (strict HSPU can be less reps)
Min 2: L-sit, L-Hang or V-Hold, 15-30 seconds depending on level
For presses, use any thing that will challenge you. One arm is ok, just get 10 per arm. Stay tight in the abs and glutes in any press.
For L-sits, use two sturdy objects, be careful. You can make the v-hold more difficult by holding weight in your hands or between your feet.
Challenge yourself but make the reps!
Sprinter Van Helsing (Time)
2 Rounds for time. Go all out and try to hang on.
100 Double Unders or 50
Jumping Jacks or 250m Run
30 Shoulder Taps
25 Butterfly Sit Ups
20 Hang Power Snatch
15 Max Height Jump Squats
Shoulder Taps can be in plank position or handstand position (be careful).
Hang power snatch can be dumbells, kettlebells, PVC, Barbell, Broomstick.
Jump high on squats, burnout your legs!
12 Minute CAP. See how far you can get!
Stretch Abs 1 (No Measure)
60 second lizard/side
60 second hollow hold
60 second superman hold
60 second 8 point shoulder stretch/side