CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


400m run/row

then 2 rounds:

Down Dog-> Lizard R

Down Dog-> Lizard Left

Down Dog-> Pigeon R

Down Dog-> Pigeon L

10 Fire Hydrants per side

5 “quarter, half, full” air squats


Strength: 10 Minute EMOM

1: 8 Weighted Squats any way

2: Plank or Handstand hold



14 Minute AMRAP


Mountain Climbers (2 Count)

Bicycle Crunches (2 Count)

Push Ups

Single or Double Arm Push Presses

10s the first round, 20s the second round, 30s the third… etc.



:45 Per Stretch

Quad or Couch Stretch

Thread the Needle

8 Point Shoulder Stretch