CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305 – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
6 minute AMRAP
Row 100 meters
Run 100 meters
5 samson lunges/leg
5 wall balls
5 strict burpees
5 broad jumps (not maximal)
Rest and prepare for 4 minutes. WOD starts at at 10:00 (coaches please re-start clock to zero)
The Back Nine (Time)
200 foot Burpee Broad Jump
Run 1000 meters
Row 1000 meters
Run 1000 meters
200 meter Farmers Carry (35/53)/(53/70)
Run 1000 meters
300 foot Walking Lunge (0/0)/(25/45)*
Run 1000 meters
75/100 Wall Balls (10/14)/(14/10)**
Coaches notes: stagger start as needed – once all athletes have completed burpees set rowers out or pre-set them out of the way. Burpees and lunges are on a 50 foot course.
Feet must cross the line before turning or you will be sent back to the previous start line.
*Load with a heavier sandbag as desired.
**Pick a weight that you can do 100 reps unbroken with. Form before weight on this.
Metcon (Weight)
TABATA, 8 SETS :20 ON / :10 OFF*
MOVT 1 — DB Hammer Curl
MOVT 2 — DB Bent Over Row
*Choose a weight that you can hold onto for all 4:00. Try to go unbroken.
(Score is Load)