CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305 – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row @ Moderate Pace for 2:00
1 ROUND Strict “Cindy”
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Strict Push Ups
15 Air Squats
5 Burpees
10 PVC Overhead Squat
10 PVC Overhead Lunges
5 Strict Pull Ups/Ring Rows
Metcon (Weight)
10 minute EMOM
3 weighted, strict or assisted pull ups
If you have good strict pull ups, work up to a heavy triple, adding weight as you go. You can either pyramid weight, work across or work up for your last rep.
If you are still working on pull ups, speak with your coach to develop a strategy for the day.
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 attempts, each for time:
On a 50′ course, complete a
200 foot burpee broad jump. Rest the balance of 6 minutes.
– Hands may not reach out further than arms length from feet. No forward stepping
ABS Test 2020 #1 (Time)
RX – 150 Butterfly Sit Ups
RX+ – 75 GHD Sit ups

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In October we ran our wildly successful Abstober daily abs program for our members. Now we've compiled every sit up, every V up, every plank, every farmer's carry...every last rep, over 31 days, into one super handy guide. And we're giving it to you for FREE. Follow along with these do-anywhere, infinitely scabale workouts to build a strong core with skulpted abs. Doable for any ability, video demos included.