CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Front Squat (10-10-10-10-10)

Alternating EMOM with 1 or 2 rope climbs


Meat Hurdles (Time)

3 Rounds for total time ;

15 Single Arm Thrusters, right arm

15 Second L-Hang

15 Single Arm Thrusters, left arm

15 Second L-Hang

Run 400 meters

Rest 1 minute
RX – 40/25, 15 second hang, feet above hips, knees straight.

RX+ 50/35 15 second hang, feet above hips, knees straight.

Masters – 30/20 10 second hang, feet above hips, knees straight.

Scaled – Lighter DB or Air thrusters, 10 second hang, knees bent and above hips.


Each round should be around 4 minutes accounting for 30 seconds for each thruster set, 30 seconds to accumulate hang time and 2 minutes for each run.

Runs should be paced aggressively.