
CrossFit Kids starts at CrossFit A1A Monday January 30th!

6-9 year olds: 3:30-4:15pm
10-13 year olds: 4:15-5pm

First week free!

CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, Stirling Road CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

Row 250 meters slow

Rest 30 seconds

Row 250 hard

then, 3 rounds of:

7 ring rows

7 push ups

7 super mans

7 dips

Partner Cardio Pardio (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30 minute AMRAP of

P1: Run or Row 400, bike .5 or ski 300

P2: AMRAP of:

16 Walking Lunges/RX+ Front Rack 75/53 (8 per leg)

12 Push Ups/RX+ 6 HSPU

8 Pull Ups/RX+ 4 Muscle Ups

*Note total rounds and reps as a team. Teams do not need to be doing the same scaling. Team up, have fun, go hard and encourage each other.

Get Your Free 31 Days to Shredded Guide

In October we ran our wildly successful Abstober daily abs program for our members. Now we've compiled every sit up, every V up, every plank, every farmer's carry...every last rep, over 31 days, into one super handy guide. And we're giving it to you for FREE. Follow along with these do-anywhere, infinitely scabale workouts to build a strong core with skulpted abs. Doable for any ability, video demos included.

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