10 Pull-ups
10 Ring dips
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11:54 Rx
Started 5 and 5 for rings and pulls, slowly dropped all the way to 2’s and 1’s on the dips, after 5 rounds 10 pulls straight.
Good quick metcon burn.
No time for warm up. Not sure if that helped or hurt.
Got the pleasure of a swim lesson with Gary Hall Jr. this afternoon. Got many good technique pointers and some great drills.
11:54 Rx
Started 5 and 5 for rings and pulls, slowly dropped all the way to 2's and 1's on the dips, after 5 rounds 10 pulls straight.
Good quick metcon burn.
No time for warm up. Not sure if that helped or hurt.
Got the pleasure of a swim lesson with Gary Hall Jr. this afternoon. Got many good technique pointers and some great drills.
21 something RXed. um dont know what to say other than my chest is still sore and MAPLE SYRUP!!!!