CrossFit 262, CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Front Squat (8-8-8-8-8)

ALTERNATING EMOM WITH a good set of push ups. Don’t blow up or pump out, but do a good set.

Runnin’ With El Diablo (Time)

Run 400 meters


3 rounds of:

15 hang power cleans

50 double unders


Run 400 meters


Scaled – light weight or russian KB swings, single unders or weighted jacks

RX – 75/53

RX+ 115/83

This is a sustained sprint – go out at a fast but sustainable pace, about 85%. Barbell should be unbroken or very close.

11 minute time limit. As long as you’re out the door before 10 minutes, finish.