Jay’s Results Are A Great Example of Learning Sustainable Eating Habits

Tell me about your experience with the program?

I had formerly been a member of A1A. Being out of consistent exercise for a few years and having some bad eating habits, I was at an all time high (in weight). Seeing all of Dan’s posts of everyone getting solid results through dieting, including people I knew from the gym, seemed like a way for me to jumpstart getting back into health and fitness.

Dan was super helpful in answering the most basic of questions and sending preliminary info so i gave it a shot.

It’s very easy to follow if you’re committed to the program.

What was the hardest part? What as the easiest?

Just gotta stay disciplined and theres plenty of good stuff to eat! Learning to cook simple things at home was very easy once I tried.

What had you tried before? Did it work?

I had cut out bad foods and ate “healthier”. It worked OK, but nowhere near as quickly, effectively and efficiently as TDP because just “eating healthier” without specific guidelines you THINK you’re being better than you are.

Checking in and following a list are both very key.

What are your goals and plans moving forward?

My goals are to stay disciplined of diet guidelines and do another good Phase 1 on my own so I can send you GREAT before/after body shots. Especially since I’ve started going to my apartment gym twice a week now!

Use This Two Move Ab Routine to Chisel Your Mid Section and Define Your Abs

Use This Two Move Ab Routine to Chisel Your Mid Section and Define Your Abs

Two moves is all you need.

A lot of time exercise routines are over complicated and require a manual to tackle.

Not this one.

We keep it simple, safe and effective with these two movements.

Do 3 to 5 sets of 10 to 20 reps of each of these movements.

So it could look like this for a beginner:
3 Rounds of:
10 Single Leg V Ups (Touch shins)
10 Toe Touch Crunches, touch shins

Or it could look like this for an advanced trainee:
5 Rounds of:
20 Single Leg V Ups, touch toes
20 Toe Touch Crunches, touch toes

Rest as little as possible while moving with great form.

Use it as a warm up, a workout or a finisher!

The Strict Muscle Up

The Strict Muscle Up

This combination of a strict pull up and a strict ring dip is performed with out any swing or kip, with the rings starting in a turn out position from a dead hang and a turn out position on top of the rings.

Slow, controlled movement is best practice.

When To Kip & How To Do Kipping Pull Ups

When To Kip & How To Do Kipping Pull Ups

There’s always been controversy surrounding the kipping pull ups. It’s dangerous, it’s cheating, you look like a noodle on the bar.

To be clear, I mostly agree with all of these statements.

First – the kipping pull up is absolutely dangerous for anyone not strong enough to do at least 5 strict pull ups.

If you cannot perform 5 strict (and I mean real-strict, none of this bent leg, bent knee kicking business. Hollow body STRICT!

Second – it’s not cheating.

It’s only cheating if doing a box jump is cheating for a back squat. They’re two different movements. One is strength, one has completely different purposes and applications. If you’re calling it cheating, you’re failing to see the mechanism of the training device.

Go ahead, tell Konstantinov that he’s cheating. https://youtu.be/boLl8rGhJvE

Third – Wet noodles!

Miko Salo doesn’t look like a noodle here: https://youtu.be/NKbeP6Sf5Ik

He looks like a damn animal moving with pure instinctual force.

It’s poetic, it’s brutal…AND he’s using old school small plates. No dropping 95# here.

Anyway, here’s Coach Dan Martin going over technique and standards for the strict kip, then showing how to kip. Enjoy.