
Thrursday the 24th Thanksgiving Mega WOD at all locations!! @ 9:00am

Post-Food coma Friday schedule: 305/A1A/SRCF – 9:00am Reloaded & 10:00am Crossfit
262 – 9:00am to 11:00am Open Gym
We’re thankful for YOU.

CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, Stirling Road CrossFit, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit

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The Method Static Lunge Warmup (AMRAP – Rounds)

3 minutes of group drills in a circle (examples: jumping jacks, high knees, butt kickers, fast feet, forward shuffle, toy soldiers)

20 seconds per side of:

1. Samson stretch

2. Deep lunge, knee 1″ up from ground

3. Deep lunge, knee 1″ up from ground & hands shoulder width, pressing air

4. Deep lunge, pressing bumper plate overhead

5. Deep lunge, pressing bumper plate overhead & knee 1″ up from ground

Note successful progression and weight of plate.

Strict Press (8-8-8-8)


L-Sit (1-1-1-1)

30 second L-Sit holds in between press sets. Pick a scaling that allows for no more than one break per set. Unbroken is best.

EMOM PC135 (AMRAP – Reps)

16 Min EMOM

Min 1: 25 Air Squats

Min 2: 10/7 Calories Assault Bike

Min 3: 30 Double Unders

Min 4: 30 Seconds Max Rep Power Cleans 135/93

Stagger starting waves by 2 minutes to preserve the order of exercises. Scale squats to be able to finish in no more than 40 seconds. Scale Double Unders to lateral hops over a chalk line or less reps. Scale power clean to a weight that can be moved touch & go for no less than 10 reps when fresh.

RX+ = 50 dubs, 165/103

Mobility 3 (No Measure)

Quads, forearms, calves & ankles