Floor Press (5-5-5)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 minute AMRAP
42 Calorie Row
30 Front Squats 95/63
18 Toes To Bar
Front Squats are from the ground
Sprintervals 12 (3 Rounds for time)
Three efforts, starting every 10 minutes of:
Row 500 meters
Run 400 meters
These are max efforts. DO NOT PACE.
If you do not have a rower, run 1,000 meters each effort. 📷 cred:
#CrossFit #crossfitgirls #crossfitters #wallballs #crossfita1a #crossfit305 #monday #mondaymotivation #pushweight #wod #wodlife #amrap #floorpress #chestdaybestday #toestobar #abs #blackandwhite