Back Squat (3-2-2-1-1)
Always have a coach watch and spot on 95 & 105%
Dubble Trubble (Time)
21-15 & 9 Reps of:
Box jump overs
Burpee Pull Ups
6 minute time limit
Back Squat (3-2-2-1-1)
Always have a coach watch and spot on 95 & 105%
Dubble Trubble (Time)
21-15 & 9 Reps of:
Box jump overs
Burpee Pull Ups
6 minute time limit
Rest to 10 minutes
21-15 & 9 reps of:
Front Rack Step Ups 75/53
Thrusters 75/53
6 Minute time limit
Rest to 20 minutes
Box jump overs can be step down. Front Rack step ups are 1 count, alternating. Pick a weight you can do unbroken on the barbell. Go light, please drop under control. Do not drop empty bars.
Abdominal Supplement 62 (No Measure)21, 15 & 9 reps of:
Superman w/ medball in hands
Weighted V-Up
Suicide Planks
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