EMOM 20 (AMRAP – Reps)
EOMOM for 20 minutes:
25 Double Unders
15/10 Push Ups
5/3 Strict Pull Ups
Max reps chest to thigh sit ups to 2 minutes
Score is sit ups.
Rest 5 minutes
4 x 400 meter run (4 Rounds for time)
@ Goal Mile Pace, on a 4 minute clock. If your goal is under 7 minutes, on a 3 minute clock.
Abdominal Supplement 44 (Time)
3 sets:
10 GHD Bench Press
10 GHD Half sit up to press
10 GHD Russian Twist or Kayak Rows
Start with PVC pipe or very light dumbbells. If this is easy, use a 15kg or lighter bar.
One of the hardest abs routines there is. You want abs? Do this.
CrossFit #CrossFit305 #CrossFitA1A #CrossFitStirlingRoad #Abs #EMOM #WOD #AMRAP #Fitness #Lift