Crossfit’s Fran
sets of 21, 15 and 9
Followed immediately by pull ups of the same reps…
21 thrusters, 21 pull ups, 15 thrusters, 15 pull ups, 9 thrusters, 9 pull ups.
No stopping, get there anyway you can, which means if you can do 15 and 6 to get to 21, okay. 5 and 5 and 5 and 6? Okay. The real elites do it all straight, but many break it up. I do. I’ll know I’m “there” when I can hit them all in a row without stopping or dropping. Not there yet.
8:57, an improvement of nearly five minutes over my last time, thanks to kipping on the pull ups and a wider stance on the squats, as well as a little bit of gut check on the last sets. Nine minutes may not seem like much, but man oh man, all of the cross fit work outs will make you rethink strength, guts and balls. Serious, serious business.
I was not properly warm or rested and it was the end of a long day, but I hit my goal. Next time shooting for sub seven minutes with proper rest and an earlier start time.
Started the day with cardio intervals for 20 minutes with Joseph which is becoming a ritual. One minute on, 30 seconds off. A little rusty, as the last three days have kicked my ass.
Did the one o’clock group training session with Joel, Luis and Ryan. A good one. I will post exact details tomorrow when I get in.
Time to eat fish and watch Spurs vs. Hornets.
60 minutes of doormouse cardio circuit…killed me.
burpees, stairs, plate twists, bench jumps, burpees, etc. etc. etc.
one minute on, half minute off
Got trained by Zultan, a former Mr. Miami bodybuilder. He pushed me in new and different ways. Heaver loads, different angles, different exercises, momentary muscle failure. Chest, shoulders and triceps are exhausted. Looking forward to sleeping, but have to work tonight. Good thing Wednesday is go to bed early night.
Saturday was a rest day, watched basketball, ate Andiamo pizza (!!!) and shopped for mothers day.
Now listening to the classic DJ Unibomber-Do A Trick Or Something mixtape from 1998. SO good. Also listened to the Rub’s 1994 hip hop mix during the workout. Solid as a rock man. Nothing but classic hip hop mixed perfectly.
Warm up…
50 jumping jacks
20 sit ups
20 push ups
Circuit one x3
squat@135lb x15
Ring push up x10
deadlift@135lb x10
Ring dip x10
rest 60 seconds between circuits
Circuit two x2
40lb kettlebell swing x8 each arm
arms only rope climb x2 first set/x1 second set
single arm dumbbell chest press@60lb x8 first set/x6 second set
split jump overhead dumbbell press@35lb each arm x10
cardio circuit…
30 seconds each exercise x2 for a total of 10 minutes…grueling.
jumping jacks
split jumps
mountain climbers
high knee running
ball slam
tuck jump
plank hold
core circuit x2
bicycles x100 set one/x200 set two
jump bridges x10 set one/single leg jump bridges x6 each leg second set
turkish get up @ 40lb x4 each side set one/x5 each side set two
side plank hip raises x10 with hold each rep
protein, water, laundry time.
Morning class was a good one.
Sprints, ladder and cone drills, burpees, band work, more sprints, slams, drills, planks, push ups and long jump burpees to finish. It was a very humid day so the sweat was a pourin’.
After that, on to the gym for
-bicep curl/shoulder press super sets 25lbx15, 35lbx12, 40 lbx10
-farmer walk @ 75lb 45 seconds (grab a heavy weight, walk slowly for time, put weight down.)
-side to side pull ups 3 setsx10
-clean and press@65lb 2 setsx10
-lat cable pull down@70lb each side x12
-L pull ups 3 sets x10
-body up pull ups (knees and chin go over bar, body is flat as possible) 3 sets x8
-kneeling lat pull downs 100lb each arm x3 sets
-kneeling one arm pull backs 110lb each arm x10 each arm 3 sets no rest
-hanging pelvic pull up (hang arms, pull pelvis and thus core up as far as possible) 3 sets of 8
protein, water, stretch.
30 minutes doormouse cardio circuit…
one minute on 30 seconds off.
jacks, burpees, stairs, deadlifts, pullups, push ups, etc.
3 super sets (one exercise after the last, no rest with the same bar never touching ground)
@ 65 lbs…
barbell bicep curl x10
jump squats x10
over head iso hold (press bar overhead and hold) 20 seconds
barbell row x15. rest one minute in between supersets.
treadmill intervals
one minute warm up
six one minute sprints {2.0 incline, 5 minute mile speed (12.0)} with one minute rest (4.5 speed)
extended yoga stretch, deep breathing cool down.
Yesterday I saw a full 180 in a client. It was his third session. He had come in looking for what everyone looks for. Six pack abs. Fine, yes, you can have that. Stop eating, move to a third world country. Abra cadabra, six pack abs revealed. We all have a six pack buried beneath. We do not all have core strength, balance, functional fitness tools. Ask the biggest meanest lifter at your gym to do ten burpees, ten pull ups and ten squats. See what happens. Now have him repeat it. And again. I fail to see the point of bench pressing 500 pounds and not being able to touch your toes. Give me a leap, a run and the ability to chase my kid any day. To each their own.
Anyway, the client mentioned had the breakthrough in the middle of a balance drill. All of a sudden he realized that he was doing sport specific movements without knowing it. He made a point that he no longer cared about six pack abs, but wanted to focus on his balance, his flexibility, his core strength. I cannot deliver this to a client without the person coming to this realization themselves, I can only guide them to this point. It was a good moment for both of us and one that I strive to deliver to every person I work with.
Morning class…full body.
warm up
-bench assisted one arm push up x8 each side
-L pull up x10
-feet on bench pliometric push up x10
-135 lb bench press x20
set one:
bench press 185 lb x8, x7, x6, x5
set two:
hammer machine chest fly 70 lb. 3×10
super setted with dips 19, 15, 15
set three:
handstand push ups assisted 3X5
dumbbell clean and press 45lb x8 each arm, 2 sets. 50lb x8 each arm with ten burpees
set four:
three rounds of…
bodyweight skull crusher x10
close grip push up x10, 8, 7
cable pull down 110lb. 2 sets x10, 1 set @100 lb.
assisted stretch finish.
Yesterday was rest, body still recovering from the Sunday beating. Today energy is low, light total body work with cardio. Tomorrow back to the big stuff.
Now that we are up and running our task is to define what it is to train at “The GARAGE”. In this process we must consider the environment we have created, resources at hand and the subject. In order to facilitate this process we have eliminated distractions, technology and excuses. In this way we attempt to get down to the essence of what it is to be “in it”.
On Monday I managed to get through an entire training session with a long time client without any deviation from what I had planned for that workout. He moved fluidly from one exercise to another with a focus that I have rarely seen in him. He even began to tell me about something non fitness related and had to stop himself in the middle because it was not in line with what we where doing in that moment. A big step in the right direction.
Why this change? Why now? I believe that there was nothing familiar (like another member or “sit down in” machine) to cling onto or to distract him. It was only me. His attention was entirely on me for the first time in a long while. His often empty stare evolved into one of focus and intent. I had supreme power and he was left to follow my lead. His brain is now “dialed in”.
The brains role is vastly overlooked in fitness. By eliminating something you have to climb into and replace that with exercises that demand focus you force a neural response which starts the body on the right track to making a real connection with the task at hand and the body’s place in space. The nervous system receives and sends info for the muscles to react to. Not the other way around.
We are told you have to train people how to treat you. This is true for 1 on 1 fitness as well. Set the tone right from the start and be consistent. Give time for gossip and personal issues (last 10minutes of session) but not until they have earned the right and never initiate an unrelated conversation. If they still want to talk at the end then let them. By that time they will be so exhausted it wont even matter.
Our job is to help people align their goals with their actions. By creating an environment that forces full body awareness we help people to get back in touch with themselves and yield results.
Remember: Just because they pay you does not give them rights to an hour of ownership. Not in my gym!
Peter K
Swim 1.5k open water ocean. Choppy as all get up
Bike 40k Rickenbacker causeway. Cursed hill. Up and down and up and down. Twice.
Run 10k Cranden Park, no shade, sunny.
Fall over and wait to feel legs again.
Run one mile-6:40
20 sets of….
5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats
one minute rest at set 10 and set 15
Run one mile-7:25
total time 40:16
This was done at moderate level as sunday is a 1.5k swim, 40k bike, 10k run triathlon.
Two games one on one with Courtney from south Miami.
12-0 win
11-1 win
the one point was a gift from the heart.
one game hustle-win
one game three on three
16-8 win
i think i have mild heat exhaustion.
good night.
We have had many clients come through and workout. Response has been very positive. We’ve made some changes in arrangement to open up the space and make it more functional. Functionality is the name of the game. Thanks to Joy for showing us some great new stretches and correct form for several yoga poses.
Wednesday workout:
95 lb hang snatch x15
sprint quarter mile
repeat x5
ring dips x10
jump pull ups with leg raise x10
3 supersets
jumping jacks
split runs
mountain climbers
high knee running
30 second each no rest
repeat circuit twice for a total of five minutes
Thursday workout
interval cardio circuit
one minute on 30 seconds off
burpees, jacks, weighted punches, stair runs, pull ups, push ups, sit ups, step ups, etc.
36 minutes
65 lb barbell curl, jump squat, barbell row
10 each
3 sets
Our first official day was filled with cleaning up and running sessions as well as brainstorming for future use. Good stuff.
Thanks to everyone that came out and helped us celebrate our opening. We had a great evening and look forward to having another get together in the near future.
Photos by Giovanni Terrafino

Runner rug, plants, more and more paint. The details, the details, the details….
We have had several clients through to give the place a run and to work out the kinks before the official opening. The lobby is shaping up quickly with paint on the baseboards and bathroom door. Thanks to Eddie for the help. Saturday I took a short walk to the Biscayne Market and met some nice people involved in massage, organic food and a local newspaper and invited them to the opening. Also Saturday Nikos and Joy (Peter’s parents) came by and again helped out. Their help has been immensely valuable, from the beautiful curtain covering our garage door to the reinforcement of the second level. As I type this LL Court J is trying to hang new lights and getting to the point of massive frustration. Needless to say we are all looking forward to Saturday and seeing this thing fly. Hard work and patience.
Saturday workout…
5 rounds of….
100 jump rope
10 push ups
40 LB KB swing x 10
35 db Split snatch x 5
Sunday workout…..
135 lb. bench press x20
ring row x15
push up x15
pull up x8
no rest
repeat x3
40 lb kettle bell swing x10 each arm
25 lb ball slam x10
single leg push up x20
jumping jacks x50
no rest
repeat x3
Today we tied up odds and ends, brainstormed and got ready for the last weekend before we officially open. Yesterday we got our huge delux-o-matic mirror painted, got another dry erase board ready and arranged the place into what we think it will look like at the finish line….one more week.
a few parts of the morning class (shameless plug…WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS AT MORNINGSIDE PARK, GROUP FITNESS CLASSES 9:15AM)
followed by…
Overhead squat warm up, one handed push up drills, jumping jacks.
ez-curl bar 35lb single arm curls x10 2 sets
bench dips x15 2 sets
45 lb. overhead press x10 2 sets
three rounds of:
55lb. dumbbell snatch x6
55lb. dumbbell overhead swing x6
burpees x10
super set of:
cable fly
double arm cable bicep curls
double arm cable shoulder press down
cable lat pull
…on cable crossover
x12 each
3 sets
(vanity super size mirror sets)

Wednesday night….
10 sqauts @ 135
10 deadlifts @ 135
sprint quarter mile
repeat x5 no rest
with sixth quarter mile sprint
Sprint 50 meters, jog back, add in leg exercise (squat, lunge, etc.) x4
pushup x25
squat x25
repeat x4 no rest for a total of 100 each
Paulo dropped off the sign and lettering for the wall that says ‘this is it’. As our spot is rather small many people have asked, “This is it?” Now instead of an answer, we simply have to point to the foot tell letters on the wall. We picked up more flooring from a local distributor that we found. Oof! Cheaper and better than the stuff we got online. Live and learn.
Thursday morning…
30 minutes conditioning drills
1 minute on, 30 seconds off
push ups
shoulder press
bicep curls
weighted punches
33 Minutes Doormouse cardio/conditioning circuit.
Pullups, push ups, jumps, 95lb squats, stairs, lunges, more lunges, crunches, burpess.
1 minute on, 30 seconds off.
3 games two on two w/ Bink vs. random park dudes.
Lost the first 16-14, won the second 15-5 against the same opponents. Won the third against different very athletic youngin’s 15-13 with a comeback from 13-8. Pick-n-roll baby.
Today we started putting the flooring in. Tonight we finished. It looks fantastic.
The bench press is gone tomorrow to make way for more floor space and a squat rack/movable bench that will be much more versatile than Barbell Bruno’s super awesome bench press station.
Today I spent two hours chipping paint, glue and random crap off of the floor as we prepare for a layer of concrete epoxy before laying the rubber flooring. We brainstormed for the grand opening, scheduled now for April 26th 4pm-9pm. Come one, come all. Wine, beer, DJ’s and dancing.
We will be holding a raffle for a free 10 pack of training sessions, so c’mon down.
Five games of one on one with Ari. Four wins, one loss.
Hear ye hear ye.
Rubber flooring has arrived in a big old roll! Time to scrape paint, fill in holes and lay some rubber. The kitchen area got painted and is looking good and clean.
Worked out in the space again, a good circuit of…
135lb. bench x10
60 lb. 1 arm dumbbell deadlift x12 (6 each arm)
15 ft. rope climb (no legs)
bicycle crunches x50
cinder block push ups x10
30 lb. dumbbell overhead press x10
25lb ball slams x10
3 rounds of that with no rest followed by…
30 second rounds of
-cinder block leg ups (tap your toe on the top)
-jumping jacks
-grasshoppers and/or mountain climbers
-split jumps
2:30 circuit x4=10 minutes no rest
finished with a 2:30 plank hold and a nice stretch routine.
Tomorrow will be picture day, so be ready to look at lots of photos.
My arms hurt as I type this.
Meet Cindy, a nasty lady.
5 pullups
10 push ups
15 squats.
Put 20 minutes on the clock and go through as many times as you can.
I hit 19. The first 10 took me 8 minutes, from there a slow decline including several failed fifth pull ups. I was shooting for twenty. Better luck next time.
More work in the space. The shared space is shaping up with a coat of floor paint on urethane laid down. Kitchen will be painted tomorrow and the floor (the damn floor….) will be here tomorrow if there is any fairness left in the USA.
Put up clear vinyl curtain to contain air and allow light in. We dont get direct sunlight but it can still get hot. That being said the actual curtain can be all clear vinyl (minus the border for attachment and for the skirt) which ours is and still control the temperature well.
To :Mom (JOY- PETE’s MOM)
as we would say in my neighborhood “GOOD LOOKING OUT MOM” Dad is always available with the hammer ready to get constructive. Thanks DAD.
Today we had 4 different families as well as some stragglers in the building. People from 5 to over 70yrs old. There was a GREAT energy in the space as things where moving towards renewal and new beginnings.
We even got in some light exercise in an attempt to explore the space. Ring Push ups ARE NOT easy.
Overall we took one step closer towards the opening.
Still much work to do. There will always be some new direction on a single track towards our destination of success.
To Dan the Man- Keep it up! Your all right.
Hot damn, the space is getting there. Finishing touches are a pain in the behind, but they must be done. Trim, tape, handles, bands, random weights, more balls, more junk. Must work more.
This weekend is the big push. More paint, more cutting, more perfecting. The flooring is in Florida and should be here in the next few days. Are we excited? More excited about rubber flooring than you could ever imagine.