Remember, CrossFit encourages active rest by participating in new sports. What new thing did you try today? Here is your humor for the day: FLORIDA BEEKEEPING …and also, to those with glass hands… CHALKIN’ UP Post thoughts to comments
155 pound Power clean 15 reps 30 Ring dips 155 pound Power clean 12 reps 24 Ring dips 155 pound Power clean 9 reps 18 Ring dips 155 pound Power clean 6 reps 12 Ring dips 155 pound Power clean 3 reps 6 Ring dips
With an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate), touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one “rep.” Barrier is 24.”
CROSSFIT 305 Our first choice for names has been accepted, we are now Croissfit305. Shout it from the mountains. STARTING 1-12-09 M-W-F CrossFit group classes at 7am, 9am and 6pm. Saturdays at 11 and 1 with Foundations Saturdays at noon. Foundations is not required but encouraged as it will give you a firm handle on the nine essential movements of CrossFit as well as address any specific needs you have in a small group setting. All classes will have at least one CF certified trainer, usually two as well as peer coaching. Expect a good warm up and technique work followed by the Workout of the Day, which will be taken from the main page most days, although we reserve the right to throw other things at you to keep things varied and on days where the WOD is short expect skill work. We will still offer one on one coaching throughout the day and will be adding more class times as required.
Tuesday Run 400m 15 handstand push ups 2 18 ft. rope climbes 4 rounds for time Pete-13:52 Dan-15:32
Subbed hi box pike push ups for HSPU. Good to climb the rope again. Pete got his dead hang Muscle ups down.
BIG NEWS!!! We have been accepted as a CrossFit affilitate. We will be offering classes at 7am, 9am and 6pm starting next week focusing on the WOD’s posted at, as well as offering foundations classes twice a week Monday at 7pm and Saturday at noon for those not familiar with CrossFit methods. Remember, this is a constantly varied fitness program that can be adapted to any age and ability. Overweight? no problem. Pregnant? good deal. Over sixty? we’ve got people that age. Never worked out? no worries. We can turn anybody ANYBODY into a functioning athlete. Just ask around.
Sunday WODDeadlift5 sets of 3 Warmup…20 lb vest. for all exercises185 deadlift x10chin up x540 lb Kettlebell snatch x5 per armburpee x53 rounds, rest as needed Then, against better judgment, Deadlift…265 x3225 x3205 x3 This led me to go home and read Starting Strength’s section on deadlifting…again. My body is not built for this lift but in order to teach it I have to master it.
Dominic and Pete both pulled 365 x3, Dom hit 385 once. Way to go you compact f#$%ers. Pete then did 50 burpees in a blazing 2:06…way to GO!!! Joe did 275 or something thrice on the DL and set a new PR in the mile run of 5:52. In non lifting news… MORE JERKY!!!
(yes, those are jerky funderwear…)
How to make jerky while you sleep (mostly)… 1 or 2 pounds top sirloin beef, thin sliced (ask the butcher)Any amount of any marinade/spice/sauce Combine ingredients, let it soak fro as long as you feel appropriate. Pre heat oven to 175 degrees.Cover your bottom oven rack with foil and lay the beef out on the top rackLet it bake (dehydrate essentially) for 8-10 hours (I do this overnight and have a great snack for the whole family and friends the next day.)Remove and enjoy a tasty snack that has none of the preservatives of the store bought variety and twice the flavor at a quarter the cost. Not that this stuff will last, but don’t let it sit around for more than a week.
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score.
(c2 rower replaced with squatting band row with band attached to lower wall hook)
Pete-377 Dan-412 Joe-342
So, for the last 13 years I have been traveling, playing music until ungodly hours of the night and generally wasting time on New Years Eve. This time I sat home, ate lobster tail, went to bed at eleven and woke up and did a 5k in the morning. It was the New Years gift I could have given myself. Instead of being tired for three days after, I had energy all day. Later on in the day Pete (who also did the 5k…his first road race!) and I met at the Garage for…
Thursday 1/01/09
For time: 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats 1 mile Run
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
We all did our reps ‘Cindy’ style, 5-10-15 x20 sets.
Dan-40:00 Pete-48:00 Joseph-40:59
Friday 1/02/09
Clean N Jerk 135 lbs. Ladder style (one rep minute one, two reps second minute, etc.) Round one (full squat clean) Dan-5 plus four reps Pete-6 plus four reps
Round two (all cleans acceptable) Dan-7 plus 6 Pete-7 plus 5
Good three day cycle!!!
rest or lift and carry practice.
Tuesday ‘Eva’ Run 800 meter 70 lb dumbbell swing x30 Kipping pull up x30 5 rounds
Dan-47:35 Rx Pete-48:38 Rx Joe-45:49 (60 lb db first round, 40 lb KB after)
Peter ran too far, Kaya’s puppy ate a mouse which led to stall for both Joe and I, but it got done and next time there will be some serious PR’s. A tough one, will be tougher next time with no outside distractions.
Wednesday Peter 5-5-5-5-5 back squat 225, 255, 260, 260, 260 Joe 185, 185, 195, 195, 200
Joe Weighted pulls in sets of four and five with 30 and 40 lbKB Pete pistol squat practice
Dan 20 lb. weighted vested 10 push ups 5 chin ups 10 squat jumps 5 burpees 50 yd. bear crawl forward and back
10 rounds as fast as possible. Only got through nine and forgot to stop the watch before I had to stop. Sweat everywhere.
Wednesday Run 400m 15 L pull ups 15 back extensions As many rounds as possible 20 minutes Dan-5 Pete-4 plus 5th run
Thursday Dan-90 minutes yoga
This week working on setting new goals (handstand push ups, 5 minute mile, 5k under 18:00, 7 muscle ups, and a few off in the distance that are not for immediate disclosure. I have really noticed the balance of what we are doing with CrossFit, one persons strength is always another weakness. Closing these gaps and filling in the holes is hard, but satisfying. Yoga showed me I am not anywhere near where I want to be with flexibility. In good news, 5 year old Kaya did 10 single reps of pull ups hanging on the bar by herself today. A big acccomplishment. Special recognition to Randy Ross for hitting a muscle up on the rings, Dan Binkowitz for bench pressing 205 lbs and Dominic Sirianni for Split jerking 240lbs, deadlifting 365lbs and getting two dead hang pull ups, all in one week!
One kilometer path in morningside park. I know, i know…it says .97, but the html code won’t loop it. Anyway, aimed for 45 minutes. It’s nice to run this distance in a park on grass but also with a marker so you can pace. Peter’s first 10k ever…”I’m glad that’s over”.
Last two got stuck half way through the rep, had a light spot to finish and then fought the negative motion all the way down to dead hang. Goal is over 100 lb. no spot by February 16th.
Check out this link to an interesting site that takes workouts over the top: Mountain Athlete Also, here is a good read that keeps thing simple. Primal Blueprint Thanks to Joseph for the links. Also, if you like what you’re reading give us some feedback on your own workout, what you’re doing or the links you follow.
Tuesday ‘Annie’ 50-40-30-20-10 Jump rope double unders Sit up
Joseph 7:40 Peter 9:59 Dan 11:59
I liked this one. I had never hit more than three double unders in a row. Hit the set of 30. Gonna work these. Before this did bench press for fun. 45 x12, 135 x12, 205 x1 (up too fast but spotter was leaving), 155 x8, 165×8, 165×8, 175×6, 175×6. Wanted more but no spot=no big lifts. Finished with 3×15 ring push ups after Annie and teaching Tina Clean N Jerk.
Monday 7am-sprint bike ride from Normandy to The Garage.
1pm-Clean N Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Peter 155, 155, 165, 185 (f), 185, 185(f), 165 Dan 135, 145, 155, 165, 165, 165, 165
Dominic came in and hit a monster 195, with room left to go up. Good job Dom!
Five minutes after the C-N-J’s… Miles on ten minutes Dan-5:46, 5:39, 5:53. Goal pace was 5:45-5:50. Last one legs were dead. No pop. Pete did the last one with me in 6:40, a PR for him even after staying in the gym for my first two and doing squats, thrusters, general leg abuse.
Sunday afternoon 15 pull ups 15 push ups 15 sit ups 15 Superman back ext. 20 minutes, AMRAP
Pete did ring dips instead of push ups and some crazy ball back ext. Got 6 plus 4 dips. Dominic and I did this in the park. I got seven plus another round of pulls. Dom got six and some change.
Saturday was rest, but did some casual late night biking.
Dan 20:49 Joe 30:17 Pete 24:46 (3 rep penalty) Tina 28:49 (bar dips, ring pull x3 for each MU)
50 lb DB 10 walking lunges 15 overhead swings 5 rounds for time Dan 4:00 Pete 4:38 Joe 4:41 Tina 5:45 (30 lb db)
Rest two minutes
Jump rope to 100 reps, others hold plank three rounds
Rest two minutes
50 burpees Dan and Pete 3:00 Joe 4:37
Great conditioning workout
Wednesday “Fran” Rx 95 lb thruster pull up 21-15-9
Dan-5:56 Pete-6:12 Joe-7:12 (75lb) Tuesday 1 Kilometer run repeats (three rounds) 1:1 work/rest ratio Hold 5k goal time throughout Dan-3:40, 3:25, 3:22 Pete-4:04, 4:01, 4:11
Saturday Climb trees in the hotel parking lot and do pull ups from the highest possible branch, have girlfriend pretend she is not with you while child screams “Daddy, get down!!!”, follow with random walking around theme park.
Sunday Dan 10 push ups, 10 squats x3 10 jump squats, 10 plio push ups x5 Tabata Push up, Sit Up, Squat (did not count, not great numbers though)
Three rounds of: stiff arm plate raise 45 lb x8, mountain climber x50, high knees x50
Three rounds of: pull up bar bicep curl 50 lb. snatch x6 each arm 10 burpees rest one minute between rounds
Crossfit East Decatur Warm Up (thanks Dominic) 50 jump rope turns (a few double unders…need a new rope) 30 mountain climbers (2 count) 10 sampsons 10 push ups 10 squats 10 pull ups 10 over head pulldowns 3 rounds, no rest
Three rounds: Run 400m 50 sit ups 185 deadlift x15 Dan 13:18 Pete 15:26
Thruster 65×10, three sets for form
Thursday Muscle up x2 Handstand negative drops x4 db swing 70 lb x8
Dan-5 rounds plus another set of muscle ups and 2 handstand drops. Took a lot of time on the drops from handstand to head stand, dropping as excruciatingly slow as possible. Switched grip at four reps on the db swing sets, worked on the start of the muscle up kip…still not instinctual but much better.
Congrats to Randy Ross on nailing the kipping pull up… Fifty two years old and a member of the one percent club for sure! We are proud to have you as a client.
Saturday…Dan 5k19:28Shouldn’t have eaten so close to this. Cramps from 11 minutes on. Splits:3:40,3:52,3:54,4:00,4:02 Peter Clean and Jerk…
…or not
…and then yes… 135,165,165,165,165 (fail),165,165
Dan 45,95,95,95,115,115,135 Technique practice…sore lower back.
Thursday Doormouse Intervals 60sec. on/30sec. off for twenty rounds=30 minutes 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th rounds are burpees Other rounds be creative…push ups, jump squats, mountain climbers, jacks, burpee variations… Finish with 25 burpees for round twenty. Work up to the 60/30 split by starting at 30/60, then 45/45 over the course of a few months.
Friday 5k Peter-23:01 An excellent first effort for a guy that hates running.
“Crossfit Nicole” Run 400 meters Pull ups to failure 20 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) Dan 31-16-14-16-13-14-11-1(last round as time expired) 8 laps=2 miles 115 total pull ups Peter 20-13-9-10-10-6-8 7 1/2 laps=1.875 miles 76 total pull ups Joseph 6 laps=1 1/2 miles 87 total pull ups
3pm Push Jerk Warm Up (Concentrating on form and getting coaching tips from Pete) 45 lb x10 95 lb x5 115 x3 115 x3 125 x3 125 x3
6pm Push jerk Warm up 95, 115, 125, 135 x3 each Push Jerk 1 rep x7 Pete 165, 175, 185, 190, 195, 195, 200(fail) Dan 165, 175, 175, 175, 180, 185, 185 (fail)
…so we both failed on the last reps for different reasons, but for going overhead with the push jerk for the first time we were both happy with the results.
50 burpees for time: Pete-2:38 Dan-2:38
Finish with 3×10 knees to elbows, 6 dyno pulls, 15 GHD sit ups