Back at it

Monday I did Crossfit’s Fran

That’s 95 lb on the bar
The monsters in the video hit 2:37.
I hit a new PR of 5:13
It knocked me out, good.
Shooting for under four minutes by the end of ’08

Warm up…
two rounds of:
20 push ups
20 single leg deadlifts
20 single leg squats
10 pliometric jumps

Two rounds of:
185 lb bench press x10
205 lb deadlift x10
no swing chin up x10
pistol squat x5 each leg


Round three we took the bench and deadlift down to 135 and upped the reps to 15

Finisher was Tabata burpees.
You want to test yourself? Do this.
Again, Tabata is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for eight rounds. You MUST use maximum intensity for all rounds and aim to complete as many reps of the chosen exercise as possible. Total time is always four minutes.



20/10 (work/rest)x 8 sets= 4 minutes.
DB or loaded bar can be substituted for medicine ball.

Peter K

Wednesday in Tilburg

Woke up and went for a run with Otto to the park where we did pull ups, a few dips and 10 seventy five meter sprints, the last few I started behind and got Otto to focus on finishing strong. Always ALWAYS finish your runs strong. Teach your body, your mind and therefore the nervous system to respond with force for the last 10 steps. Lean into the finish. Your are not Usain Bolt, you do not have his genetic gifts. Push to the finish line or don’t push at all.

Now we are here working in 8 point surround.

You can see three of the eight stacks. Eight channels, eight independent inputs, eight trajectories of sound…

Last night we saw this guy:
…as well as Sun Ra Arkestra again.


Tilburg, Holland

Woke up at 7: 05, reset the alarm to 7:35. Woke up, went for a run on the city streets.
Lots of people going to work, all walking or biking. VERY few cars. No one else running. Who needs to when you walk or bike everywhere. No cars to be afraid of so why wouldn’t you?
Cold out, about 54 in the morning. Found a park with a cool rope course, bars and a wire line about 50 ft. long. Ran for 20 minutes there, did a few pulls, pushes and ran back, trying to keep up with bikers. Did 100 push ups/100 squats in 3:15.

Otto and I spent the day from 10am-6:30pm working with THIS (click for link).
Did a bunch of high box jumps onto the stage and risers, wall handstand push ups and stuff for a bit.

Went and ate at the artist meal hall and then went and saw THE SUN RA ARKESTRA.
Holy shit, I cried during their first song. Some of these guys have been with the band for 50 years. I never, ever thought I would see these people play music and tonight I went and saw them for the first time. The thing is, they’re playing one block away from our hotel FOR THE NEXT FIVE NIGHTS IN A ROW, two sets each night covering a decade of music each night. Tonight was big band standards like Ellington and such.

Relaxing in the small Euro style toilet-and-shower-down-the-hall hotel until 8am rise and run.

Pre bed:
25 push up, 25 full range sit up, 25 squat x4=300
9:45, focusing on form more than speed.

Today and the last couple

Wednesday did some hypertrophy lifting for chest shoulders and tri’s.

Thursday did 45 minutes doormouse cardio strength circuit. 60 seconds on, 30 seconds off with burpees, high knee runs, plank hold, sit ups, pull/push combo, stair runs, etc. LOVE IT. The best feeling available.

Today, rings, rope, stairs, sprints….play time. Fun stuff in The Garage and out in the park.


Tried out the TABATA method for incline treadmill run and squats today.
I set the incline to 12.5 and the speed at 7.5mph.
Legs fatigued after the 4th round of incline running but made it through to the end.
I hit an average of 20 or so squats in the 20 second period. Next time I will perform it with some weight in arms or perhaps the vest.

“TABATA”-20 seconds of all out work( 1 rep or more/second)
– 10 seconds of rest
– 8 rounds for a total of 4 minutes.

Can be done with any exercise.

Also tried it on a client with no weight right after a round of “SERA” as a prelude.

“SERA”- 100 rope skips
– 10 walk out to push up
– 20 BW squats

Peter K


Did Crossfit’s Murph for time.

Run one mile
100 Pull Ups, 200 Push Ups, 300 BW Squats broken up any way you want
Run one mile

Mile-5:40 (felt good, but not hard)
10 seconds for Peeeeetooooow to open the damn door
First three rounds:
10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 squats
Rounds four and five:
5 pull ups, drop, 5 pull ups
10 push ups, drop, 10 push ups
15 squats, 5 breath rest, 15 squats
Rounds 11-18:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Rounds 19:
10 pull ups
10 push ups, drop, 10 push ups
15 squats, 5 breath rest, 15 squats
Mile-7:51 (felt slow, weak…wanted to go faster…mind was there, body would not go any more)

36:36 total
Wanted 35:00.
Would’ve been easy going 5-10-15 for twenty rounds but my goal is to do it all 10-20-30.
Long way to go.

Weekends are for buffing and waxing.


DB row on bench
60 x12/70 x10/ 80 x10

False grip ring pull up x10
Jumping Muscle Upx1/Ring dips x15/drop and pull back up

False grip ring pull up x10
Jumping Muscle Upx1/Ring dips x5/drop and pull back up…
Noticeable drop in dip strength…

A bunch of bicep curls in sets of 10…bath and beauty bar…OIL OF OLAY.

Sunday was a traditional lift day, chest and tri’s.
Was not feeling it but did it…should’ve rested or done lactic recovery cardio.
Not a total waste but not the right thing.

Thursday and Friday


4×400 meter
two minute rest between.
Done on the Garage Road track.
Tight 90 degree turns, dogs barking, pedestrian dodging.


Goal was under four minutes total, got it.

Went inside and created….

Heavy Pickle

100 lb. Heavy bag squat
100 lb. heavy bag alternating plio push up
100 lb. heavy bag wall flip
100 lb. heavy bag mountain climber (knee must strike bag)
100 lb. heavy bag jump over

40 seconds each exercise, moving from one to the next for a total of three minutes.
Total number of reps is your score.


Dead lift 135 x15
DB Chest Press 40lb x15
Overhead DB press 35lb x15
Squat 135 x15

Repeat x3
Minimal rest between exercises, 60 seconds between super sets

Five minutes rest.
Three minutes burpees-45
three minutes rest
Heavy Pickle-205

Somewhere in there I sprained my right big toe. Dumb ass.

Some days you just want to eat gruel and slap something.



push ups, planks, etc. warm up

Bench press:
135 x15, 155 x12, 185 x8

Close grip ball push ups and bar dips
3×10 each

Overhead press
65 x15, 75 x15, 95 x12

Cornered lunging bar push
65×10 twice

core circuit ten minutes

10 minute maximum intensity bodyweight circuit, 10 minute core circuit

To the brink

This one pushed it to the limit…

30 pound vest worn for entire workout.

5 rounds, no rest.

a. pull ups (set one 6, sets 2-5 five)
b. push ups 10
c. stair runs (14 stair flight, odd reps single stair, even reps double stair)
d. 50 lb. db snatch x6 per arm
e. water fountain sip, contemplate why I’m doing this excruciating workout.

The answer to e is because I need to, I need to find that spot and push it higher. I remember feeling this way when I started my path back to fitness and not wanting to push but knowing that I needed to. These workouts, this lifestyle… they are a driving force behind waking up everyday. It clears my crowded head and brings me back down to earth.

Finished with three sets of dyno pulls x10, x6, x4
paired with three sets of hanging overbar lag raises x5, x5, x5

It took a long time to come back from this one. The vest really works the cardiovascular respiratory system in a new way. A slight headache (just like the old days) as well as total exhaustion for about ten minutes. The stairs were the killer, not as I anticipated. I thought I would fly right through them…not so.

Thursday, Friday and a rest

Crossfit’s Helen:

Three rounds for time:
1.Sprint quarter mile
2. 21 60 lb. two arm overhead db swing (in place of 54 lb. kettlebell)
3. 12 pull ups (kipping allowed)


The last quarter mile sucked, wobbly legs. The swings were cake round one, then harder but manageable round two, then slippery…required a grip change midway through set three. The pull ups were easy rounds one and two, broken into 6 and six round three.

full body light lifts..sets of ten on everything x3

Went outside in a sticky 93 degreeswith Otto, strapped on the 40 lb. vest and went five rounds of:
1. Run park lap (about 350 yards)
2. 20 40 lb. overhead kettlebell swings
3. pull ups

The 40 lb. vest plus the heat made this a really tough sweaty one. The run felt soooooo slow, the swings were okay. pullups were done three and three for six on rounds one and two, Five and five with a foot touch on each rep sets three and four, five times two with a jump for the first of each two on round five.

45 minute aerobic leg and core session.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday….
Eat, drink, be merry.

Wednesday Morning

A hot and sweaty outdoor workout.

1.Five minute jog to warm up

2. Drills: ladder two ins, lateral cone wave, sprint 75m out, 180 degree turn, 100m back.
Three rounds with one minute rest

3. Chest circuit:
a. black band press
b. red band double chest fly
c. blue band triceps kick back
45 seconds on/30 seconds off
two circuits with one minute between circuits

4. Drills: repeat step 2

5. Back circuit:
a. bodyweight row
b. single arm band row with step back lunge
c. stiff arm band row
45 seconds on/30 seconds off
two circuits with one minute between circuits

5. core

6. stretch

Speed and recovery

Inspired by this video:
I decided that a few more squats supersetted with half mile runs would be good.

1. 95lb squat x20
half mile-2:40
2. 135 lb squat x20
half mile-2:32
3. 135 lb squat x20
half mile-2:31
4. 95lb squat x20
half mile-2:22

No rest between squat and run, 2:30 rest between each super set.

We decided that this is a good one for all triathletes as it forces the pre-exhausted quadriceps to react to a quick run start, one of the hardest parts in a multi sport race.

Warmed up with Kaya doing push ups, pull ups, squats, etc. Peter helped push on the last half mile by running the second lap right on my heels. It helped big time. Gonna have to recruit four people when I go to the track to get a current time for the half.

Finished with a nice rope-assisted leg stretch (thanks late night Golf Channel). Felt really strong on the half miles and have been enjoying the track work…gonna do 1600’s and 200’s Thursday.

How long does it take to tie your shoes?


The swimming course was changed and made longer. It’s usually just under a quarter mile, this time just over. I forgot my elastic easy-on shoes. Had to run in some others that forced me to sit down and tie them in the transition. BLEH! Anyway, PR by two seconds on a very hot day with a longer swim. I’ll take it. The spinning classes from Wisconsin helper me to cut over a minute from the bike, and my run was 23 seconds faster than last time. Transition two (shoes!) was 30 seconds slower.

Later on went to the beach and soaked in TOO MUCH sun. Had a blast though laying in the surf and letting it kick me all around. Kaya and I laughed it up as we got water up our nose, in our ears and everywhere else. It was a beautiful picturesque Sunday with clear water and a soft cloud line on the horizon.

Today I did much of the morning class, kettle bell dead lifts, db squats, pull ups, bw rows and then took them outside to run the Garage quarter mile. Four of ’em at 90, 80, 75, 60.
Followed up with a light stretch then ran to Idols Gym for:

a1. 65lb barbell dead lift x20
a2. single leg land squat jump x10 each leg
a3. dyno pull ups x10
a4. 30 lb. db chest press x30
a5. hanging leg raises x10

repeat circuit x3 (15 seconds rest between exercises, 1 minute between circuits)

b1. 65lb barbell thruster
b2. close grip hands elevated push up x15
b3. pistol squat w/ 10 lb plate x5 each leg
b4. 25lb plate russian twist (sit on floor, feet up, twist and touch plate on each side)

repeat circuit x3 (15 seconds rest between exercises, 1 minute between circuits)

Mixed in some cardio/plyo drills with these….stair runs, high jumps, side jumps, single leg box jumps, high knee running, etc.

Finished with quarter miles on the treadmill…
75-75-75-75…that’s as fast as it would go.

Walked it back and made a big mess with the cheap-o blender from Target. You get what you pay for.

Ho-kay mang

Thursday did a lot…didn’t log it, just did it. pushing, lots. Bench, push ups, jumping ring muscle ups, and on and on. We did a nice 7:20 mile after, and then I continued alone for a 5k in 20:00 after a few minutes of standing around and talking.

Yesterday just a few warm ups and such with clients and groups.

Today a relaxed 5k in the shaded streets of Morningside.

Tonight relax and eat and sleep.

Tomorrow race.

Wisconsin was great. Got in a couple of really good spinning classes with my dad (still kicking butt at 67, I hope to get there in that shape), a good outdoor session with my sister that led her to do more of the same with my bro in law, some good hamstring suggestions for my mom and plenty of running about with the childrens. Yes, childrens.

It was interesting to work out in a more conventional gym again. At first it was frustrating trying to find an actual pull up bar, then a pull up bar to swing on, then a place to jump around. Eventually I worked it out, but those places are not built for what I want to do…although fun, functional and worth while, I want a rope, some rings, a bag to hit the crap out of, and a loud stereo with quality music.

Got in a lot of pulling, jumping, weighted dipping, some good full court five on five, two miles of sprint walk intervals with my dad, a nice walk with my mom, a nice vanity lift with T and some good conditioning alone.

This week has been one of more experimentation in the space. The Olympic rings have really inspired and I’ve spent a good deal of time/energy just randomly hanging from things, pulling up on things, jumping ang grabbing to a hang on the bar…more play, less work. Still doing lifts, but more concentrated sets throughout the day in short bursts.
Yesterday did quarter miles at our lovely Lil Haiti road track.
75-69-65-65 on three minutes.
Today did field sprints at the park, maybe 125 yards. Ten of them , broken into two groups of five throughout a great park bodyweight workout.
The first four of each set were ramping up, with the second half starting with an explosion and staying at top speed to the finish.

Good days of heavy rain down here. Time to buy some chalk.


Well, a full week came and went in Wisconsin fast as all get up.
Triopical Storms are upon us in South Florida and the training doesn’t slow.
Sunday is race day again and another chance to break 58:00.
We’ll see…
Full week update tomorrow, as well as some new video’s.

A full day of racin children down the street and playing great basketball with my bro in law and nephew. Nothing much better than that.

The Magic 50

Magic 50 yesterday.

db snatch x5 per arm
db swing x5 per arm
burpees x10
5 rounds with 60 seconds rest between.

70 lb. snatch
60 lb swing

Try it, be careful. Pick a lighter weight and work your way up.
Explosive power, cardio conditioning.

The past few.

As Peter states below, the Garage Strongmang is a beast, but a fun one.
After a few days of rest I have put in a few days of quality free form training.
Lots of pulling bodyweight, as well as new movements on the bar that include release and catch in different capacities. With a bar and yourself you can do most anything, provided you have the strength.

Tonight I went and did the Loose Cannons bike race. HOLY SHIT! Danger Will Robinson, danger.
Ingredients: 50 bike punks on single gear bikes and a few of us traditional bikers screaming through south beach, across the Venetain Causeway, across Biscayne and all other major intersections with no course, just a start and a finish. Two people to the hospital, tons of angry drivers and an F*&^ing RUSH! How many times did I smell tires? Lots.
I took fifth and had a blast. Was in third with a quarter to go but those fixed gear riders have the advantage with big gears and long cranks. Fun times.