
Squat 225lbsx20 reps
Bench 185lbsx20reps
Walking Lunge 70lbsx20reps (70lb DB/ arm)
Standing overhead military press 135lbsx20reps
One arm DB rows 80lbsx20reps
Deadlift 185lbsx20reps

Complete each 20 rep set in order. Record time.

Dan and myself tried this the other day. I recorded a time under 14min. Dan recorded just under 13min. After completing our first attempt we agreed that the squat weight needs to be increased to the new standard of 225 from the the originally attempted weight of 185. After my first attempt at the military press at the originally planned weight of 185 we agreed to bring it down to 115 in order to complete it without injury. I still want the standard to be at 135lbs. There is something butch about going straight for the 45’s and slapping them on each side. No need for nickels and dimes! The weight for the rest of the exercises was manageable although the 70lb lunges did pose a challenge.

Here is how I got through it:
Squats– flew through 20 straight. This is why we feel raising the weight might pose more of a challenge.
Bench-5,5,4,3,2,1. With a goal of time in mind taking an Idols Gym Cruise Rest break seems non-compliant! Which explains my 2 and 3 rep sets. My plan was to break it up in 5’s. Taking 1-2 minute rest would have allowed me to reach that. But as I mentioned earlier, I ain’t here to cruise!
Walking Lunges– 10,10. Dan tried to fly through it only to reach 16 reps and regretted it afterwards. You will need to save some energy in your legs to bear the Standing O.H. Military Press.
Standing O.H. Military Press– 5 (@ 135), 5,4,3,3 (@ 115) Use some leg bounce if needed. Trust me you will need it.
1 Arm DB Rows-5,5,5,5. Cake but no walk in the park.
Deadlift-5,5,5,5. What a way to finish it off.

I hope to work up to completing all sets of 20 reps straight through. Needs a bit of work though.
So now do you want to sit on the leg extension? WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!

Peter K

Monday and Tuesday

A couple of days filled with experiments in free form training. No sets, no times, no numbers.
Just movements for feeling. Trying out new things such as hands off pull ups (pull up hard, release grip, re-grip, repeat) and burpees transitioning to pull ups, single arm holds on the rings, etc. Climbing from the rope to the rings and back, working grip strength. We need some monkey bars/free hanging objects to climb around on.

Did the 100/100 both days…100 push ups, 100 squats in any order/set quantity.
2:55 both days. trying to get it to 2:45, gotta find the right combination.

Tomorrow it’s time to perform the Garage Strongmang.
20,000 pounds of lifts for time. High noon start time. AAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Friday morning we put a couple of guys through a damn grueling workout.
Modified FRAN, 100/100, BAM! and more, all in one day. High quality stuff!
Good job Randy and Mark. As stated, all star status.

Did a bunch of randomness on Friday, call it all day open source training.
jump rope practice, pull ups, push ups, burpees, squats, cardio drills, bla bla bla

Saturday went to the court and got to play four games of two on two with Isaac, Bink and Billy.
It’s interesting to see how fitness plays into these games as time ticks by. Game one and game four were whole different worlds. Fun times.
Before I hit the shower, I decided to max out on push ups. I’ve never gotten above 55, but I have not tested in months. If I’m not super convinced about the visual results of my current program, I am more convinced than ever that visual results are not all they are made out to be in modern fitness. My goal was 60. I got through 50 easier than usual, started to slow at 58, broke 60, mentally refocused and banged out ten more for 70. There might have been three or four more left in the tank, but I lost focus and went to the shower.

Sunday, went to the South Beach track for 10×100 meter sprints.
I decided four p.m. would be good for mental toughness as the 90 degree weather worked it’s magic. There were no markings for 100 meters, so I just walked off 125 steps and went for it, sitting right at 15 seconds per dash, walking it back in about 1:25 and repeating. By number 6 I was hitting the wall but focused on arm drive and kept the pace, really feeling it in the quadriceps.


BAM! (for time)

20 bodyweight squats
15 ft agility ladder drill forward, two feet in each
10 push ups
15 ft agility ladder drill lateral, two feet in each
40 bicycle crunches
Repeat circuit three times as fast as possible.
Round one with 40 lb. X-vest 3:41
Round two no vest 2:53

Later on, took a 6 block walk to the pool with a 41 pound squirming head slapping weight on my shoulders with a stop for a smoothie on the way.
Thankfully the public pools kids area had what the life guard called ‘an accident’. I call it a kid crapping in the pool. We went to the kiddie park for a while to let it empty out and went back to the lap pool (separate from urine pond) and got a lane. My little girl is now goggled and swimming full laps without a problem.

200m freestyle warm up at quarter mile race pace
4×100 IM (one minute rest between)


50 meter single arm stroke work
50 meter kick

Walked back home with the ‘lil one on my shoulders. Darn thing is getting heavy.


Put on the 40 lb. vest and worked through the group workout.
Kettle bell tosses, single arm rows, lots of jumping jacks, push ups, burpees, sledgehammering the tower. Good sweaty stuff.

Easiest thing in the world

One cup soy milk
One cup oatmeal
One scoop Jay Robb chocolate whey protein powder

fat-9g (saturated 1.5g)
carbs-60g (fiber 9g, sugars 6g)

Monday and Tuesday


Fast and Furious
20 minutes
As many rounds as possible of:

1. 10 pull ups
2. 10 db swings overhead per arm (I chose 30 lb)
3. 10 plyo push ups (hands must leave ground)
4. 10 tuck jumps (jump as high as possible, tuck knees to chest)

My goal was 10, I got to 8 1/2 in the alloted time and finished 9 at 20:27.
Grip strength really comes into play later, as the pull ups take it out and the db swings become a real challenge with the forearm locking along with the grip.

Finished with a few V-ups, turkish get ups and side bends.


Took myself to the local gym as Peter had the space for the eveining.

100 jumping jack warm up
15 45 lb. bears (clean, front squat, overhead press, squat, overhead press, repeat)

3 rounds of:
-85 lb. jump squat x10
-1 arm/ 1 leg plank hold, 30 seconds each arm/leg
-25 lb. plate chest flex (plate goes from midsection to shoulder level with elbows locked) x10
-45 lb. plate rotation (plate goes overhead in full circle first to the right and then left) x10
-hanging V-up (hang from a pull up bar,bring your feet to the bar, bending at the waist) x5
No rest between rounds

3 rounds of
-85 lb. clean and overhead press x10
-bodyweight tricep extension x10
-lunge jumps x20
-close grip push ups x10
No rest between rounds

Assisted one arm pull ups
x5 each arm 150lb
x3 each arm 135lb,
x4 each arm 120 lb, unassisted super slow down, two arm up

Protein, water, stretch

Then I jumped in the car and went to the local inner city track. Packed with people of all ages walking, running, doing field activities. Good stuff. Watched Olympic hurdler Bershawn ‘Batman’ Johnson run five 200’s at around 22-24 seconds effortlessly. I spoke with his coach, he said he was working on relaxing. Okay, right.
I was also there to do 200’s, eight of em with 200 meters walking rest.
The first two were at 27, the next three at 28, then a 29 and two 30’s to end. It amazes me that I used to hold these paces for 800 meters. Can anyone guess was my new quest is? Sub 2:00 half mile (again)? Why not. The first four intervals felt good, then the oxygen deprivation/side aches/lactic acid build up kicked in and it was a whole lot of mental push.

After I finished with the runs I went over to the pull up bar and traded sets with a couple of guys and got some new ideas for the bar. If you ever want inspiration for exercising, go to the inner city parks and watch. Anything can be used, there are no weights around and yet there is enthusiastic work being done on minimal or no equipment. These two guys were on nothing more than a pull up bar and managed to use every muscle in the upper body and core.


10 baseball grip (hands together) side to side pull ups
8 L position seated chin ups
8 side to side pull ups
10 upside down pull ups
5 slow motion pull ups w/ 5 second hold, 5 second drop

I tried a few of the other moves that I saw the guys doing and got some advice. By this time my grip was failing and I was spent.

I found out that the big chain grocery is now carrying grass fed organic beef. MEAT for dinner.


Welp, Saturday was somewhat of a rest day.

Sunday, up at 5:00 am and on to Crandon Park for race 2 in the Key Biscayne Triathlon Trilogy.
In the first five strokes of the swim I had my ankle timing chip stripped from my ankle by another swimmer, thus disqualifying me from the official standings. I was happy that I started my watch.
It was a tough day. Choppy water made for a bumpy swim as the front four of us kept bumping and had a sloppy turn that included all of us getting tangled and then having to move around the slowest swimmers from the previous wave (these races are started in waves seven minutes apart to ensure safety) . I was third out of the water, about 15th or so after the bike and ended in 10th for my group, 52nd or 53rd overall, about 10 places better than last time. Not bad for a 1,000 person race. The bike ride was brutal as the last half was head on into the wind, some of it uphill.

58:49 total time, 40 seconds slower than last time…I know I was moving faster, but conditions take their toll. The run was very hot as the sun had gotten up and there was no cloud cover. Next time I will break 58:00. COnsidering last season I couldn’t break an hour, I feel pretty good about my overall fitness progress and look forward to racing. I used to get nervous and wonder why I was doing these things. Now I get relaxed and anytime the question of why enters into my head, it’s answered right away with , ‘To be your best stupid, NOW GO!!!’.

Saturday 1pm class @ Garage

First saturday class. Did not have much of a turnout. Joe did make it though a bit late. We put him through the wringer. Ladder drills with pushup/bw squat at the tails, followed by FRAN in which he beat his previous time by 3 minutes to make his new time 9:36 . Followed that up with 60lb 1arm rows. Then abs, core. Finished off with a tire slam. This is Joe. GO JOE!


A few of the inevitable movements at the morning class…push ups, squats, balance work, etc.
A few of the inevitable movements when a client brought a friend that wanted to see the space…ring pull ups, rope climb, ladder pulls, etc.
Otherwise, rest and meat digestion.
Tomorrow more of the same.
Sunday, race time.
food and lay down as much as possible til then.


10 miles on the bike.
Realized that I can shift gears on the bike and not the rear wheel trainer. Helps out.
10 miles, 21:53, 27.3 mph
I’m not sure how accurate the speed/time is with this thing, but It’s getting to be a good feeling on the bike, can’t wait to upgrade to a better, more fitted bike and see what happens.

Two thousand dollars of geometric speed…

To credit card debt or not to credit card debt…that is the question.

3:45 pm

Infinite Intensity Day 18

A. 2 dumbbell split snatch (side variation)
5 sets, 3 reps each, 45 seconds rest.
40lb, 40 lb, 60 lb, 40 lb, 40lb
B. 2 dumbbell push press
5 sets, 3 reps each, 45 seconds rest.
45 seconds rest
C1. One arm push up, hand on cinder block
4 sets, 5 per arm (Last set had assisted positive)
C2. 25 lb Sand filled basketball Shot Put
4 sets, 5 per arm (supersetted with C1)
60 seconds rest per set, no rest between C1, C2
D1. Dumbbell Lunges
4 sets, 5 per leg
70 lb first set, 60 last three sets
D2. Lunge Jumps (same as alternating lunges, just jump it)
4 sets, 10 reps (supersetted with D1)
60 seconds rest per set, no rest between D1, D2

Finisher: Double arm DB swings (db”s go from between legs in squat position to straight over head in standing position).
25 lb per arm, 3 sets, 15 reps, 30 seconds rest per set.

Sitting here typing this, I couldn’t sit still. The sweat still hadn’t dried from earlier, I knew I had my ball shoes in the car…Screw it, basketball courts it is.
Warmed up with single arm grab and hangs on the rim.

Three games of full court to eleven. Picked up a young girl that didn’t speak english to run the point and she kicked ass. Two younger guys played with us. No hustle, no passes, set a pick for em, roll and get no feed. The fifth guy was a hustler that kept getting beat on D by an old school fireplug from the other team. It’s something to see schooled ball players play with completely blind, bad shooting, bad passing players. We won two in a row and were down 9-8 when the lights got shut off.

Time for burgers and bed. MEAT!!!


Did some of the morning class…running and bodyweight, partnered band work.

7:45pm with Joseph

Single arm plank, alternating every 30 seconds x3 each side

Single arm push up x3 each side

Handstand w/ wall assistance x45 seconds w/ 75 seconds rest x3

20 push ups, 20 squatsx3
10 push ups, 10 squatsx4
Total 100 each, 200 reps

5 push ups, 5 squats x10
Total 50 each, 100 reps

Not enough stretching. Too much coffee. No protein. Discovered lactose intolerance.

Back & Bicep Beauty Day at The Garage

Hypertrophy lifting for back/bicep/shoulders

Single arm db row
40 lb x15
60 lb x10
70 lb x8
80 lb x8

Dumbbell Fly
20 lb x15
25 lb x12
30 lb x8
35 lb x8

Supersetted with front and lateral deltoid raises
15 lb, 10 reps full range, 10 reps short range, 3 sets

95 lb shoulder barbell press x10
3 sets

(The following done with 40 lb vest)
5 chin ups
8 bodyweight shoulder press
10 burpees
(vest off)

Bicep db curl
30 lb x12 (turned out)
35 lb x8 (hammer)
35 lb x8 (palms up)
35 lb x8 each arm (kneeling preacher)
35 lb x8 each arm (kneeling preacher again)

95 lb barbell assisted positive bicep curl
3 sets x8

Protein and trash talk with Court and Steve

Later went to Idols Gym.

10 side to side pull ups
10 slo-mo dips
10 side to side chin ups
5 one armed pull ups on assisted machine 150lbs.
4 one armed pull ups on assisted machine 135lbs.
2 one armed pull ups on assisted machine 120lbs.

Sunday and Monday

Sunday=Rest, eat, rest, sleep.


We did a good high level class, working on one arm push ups, shoulder presses, pull ups, sprints, single leg squats, pliometrics and more.
After, I hit the bike for 7.6 miles at 23.8MPH for 19 minutes of fun before the clients started coming in.
After the clients, I did the Sweet 16.
16 minutes of Tabata Intervals. Click the link for a bit of detail on this fun, grueling way to exercise.
Simply put, it is 20 seconds of intense-as-possible work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times for the chosen exercise.
The Sweet 16, day 16 of the Ross Training Infinite Intensity program, uses heavy bag punching, bodyweight squats and push ups.

Round One: Heavy Bag (minutes 0-4)…feel your power decrease…
Round Two: Squats (minutes 5-8)…started at 20 the first round, ended at 17 on the last
Round Three: Heavy Bag (minutes 9-12)…feel what it feels like to lack power…
Round Four: Push Ups (minutes 13-16)…yeesh, not so much. Round one got to 10 before I had to go to my knees, by the last rounds I was getting to only five full pushes before having to use knees. Humbling to say the least.


Fran…from Crossfit
might wanna turn the volume down

21 Thrusters 95 lb
21 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters 95 lb
15 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters 95 lb
9 Pull Ups

Get there however you can.

Pete set the bar with a smart effort, breaking the larger sets into smaller sets like 7/7/7, setting an awesome first time mark of 7:04. I followed suit, breaking them into larger sets of 11/10, 8/7, 5/4.
Hit 6:05, would’ve broke 6:00 but I locked out and lost rhythm on the very last pull up.
That’s okay, previous PR was 13:38, dropped to 8:57 last time, and now 6:05. I’ll take it. Goal is four minutes.

Later, after lunch and a hardware run to get sand…

5 standing wheel rollouts
20 Russian Twists with 25 lb ball
12 back extensions
6 side bends to each side w/ 80 lb. dumbbell
100 bicylce crunches

repeat circuit x3

and then, after a little rest
10 miles on the bike.
26:31, average speed 22.5 mph, focusing on a cadence of more than 100 at all times.

A good Saturday.

Thursday, Friday

Rest, Eat, Sleep


GPP Workout #4

Ross Training workout from Infinite Intensity
-Burpees as explosive as possible
-Jumping jacks touch hands at top, touch hips at bottom
-Split runs, hands on top of head, touch flat fotted front and back
-Squats, parallel or better
-Push ups, arms to 90 degrees or chest to ground, feet or knees

30 seconds burpees (9)
30 seconds jumping jacks (37)
30 seconds split runs (55)
30 seconds burpees (9)
30 seconds jumping jacks (37)
30 seconds split runs (56)
30 seconds squats (23)


30 seconds burpees (9)
30 seconds jumping jacks (38)
30 seconds split runs (57)
30 seconds burpees (9)
30 seconds jumping jacks (39)
30 seconds split runs (58)
20 seconds push ups (33)


30 seconds burpees (10)
30 seconds jumping jacks (38)
30 seconds split runs (55)
30 seconds burpees (10)
30 seconds jumping jacks (40)
30 seconds split runs (60)
20 seconds squats (27)


30 seconds burpees (10)
30 seconds jumping jacks (39)
30 seconds split runs (60)
30 seconds burpees (9)
30 seconds jumping jacks (38)
30 seconds split runs (60)
20 seconds push ups (27)

15 minutes of push, push, push, striving to hit numbers equal or greater in all sets.
Feels about the same as running a kilometer at full speed, resting one minute and going again.
Very nice and challenging.

Stretch, Big nice tuna salad, sam adams beer and the best pizza in the world at ANDIAMO.
Bring on the weekend.
We are adding a Saturday class at One pm. Come join us.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Monday was Work Capacity day, which meant that I got the pleasure of procuring a sledgehammer from the local hardware store as well as a tire from one of the less luxurious tire dealers in the city. I pulled up as three rough necks tossed old tires into the back of their pick up truck for disposal.

When I asked if they had any tires they wanted to get rid of, they gave me a funny look. I told them I wanted an old used tire they were going to throw out. They gave me a nice SUV tire which I cleaned up and used, although it proved to be a little weak and got replaced the next day….


10 minutes of:
-two 35 lb. dumbbell snatches per arm
-six burpees
repeat as many times as possible in ten minutes.

Followed immediately by….
10 minutes of 12 lb. hammer swing into tire, alternating sides every five swings

Finishing with…
5 minutes hitting the heavy bag, focusing on power, mixing in speed at the end to finish.

I hit the local pool and did…
-300 yard warm up
-8 50 yard fly/free splits
-4 100 yard IM
-8 25 yard sprints, focusing on minimal breathing
-100 yard cool down
-big stretch

Went and played one sweaty game of full court pick up basketball at the local park. Played hard, lost. What to do when the rest of the guys on the pick up team are all at least 40 pounds overweight? RUN and GUN, alone.

Brute Strength Wednesday

A. Single arm dumbbell push press w/ 70 lb. db x4 each arm, 4 sets with 90 seconds rest

B. 100 lb. heavy bag shoulder (pick it up, get it on your shoulder) x8, 4 sets with 90 seconds rest

C1. Step ups onto 16 inch block w/ two 60 lb. db’s x6 each leg
C2. Deadlift w/ two 60 lb. db’s x8
4 super sets with 60 seconds rest in between

D1. 40 lb. weighted vest pull ups x5
D2. 40 lb. weighted vest ring dips x10
4 super sets with 60 seconds rest in between
The first three sets were completed, set four I failed on the fourth pull and the sixth dip.

Farmers Walk with two 80 lb. dumbbells…all this is is pick it up and walk until you can’t hold it any more, usually due to grip failure.
Three sets

Protein, sleep.


Quarter Miles on The Track

1. 71 seconds
2. 70 seconds
3. 72 seconds
3. 73 seconds
4. 74 seconds
5. 74 seconds
6. 72 seconds

80-90 seconds rest between

Afterwards, we were lucky enough to have a freeway entrance blocked off right next to the track so we did eight 70 yard hill sprints, walking back for rest.
All were in the mid 9 second range.

A good use of a Sunday.

I hung the door pull up bar up in my new place so I have been ‘greasing the groove’ with many sets of ten pull ups/chin ups every day. Also, a lot of one leg squat/one arm push up practice using the GTG model.


The rest of last week was spent on Ross Training week two.
-Strength Training with Snatches, one arm DB chest press, wall sits, jump squats and more
-GPP training with rounds of burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, more burpees, etc.
-Core Training with standing wheel roll outs, russian twists, V-ups, bicycles, and more
Good stuff Maynerd.

Friday, the weekend and continuation.

Friday was supposed to be a rest day but turned into more of a ‘greasing the groove’ day with pull ups, rope climbs, and and several group class warm ups, cool downs, stretches.

Saturday was a complete crash rest day. Stayed in bed, got up to eat, slept, fell into the pool, slept, repeat.

Sunday picked it back up, though I didn’t feel 100%

135 lb squat x20
ring push up x20
135 lb deadlift x20
ring dip x20 first set/x15 second set

two circuits, rest for 30 seconds between exercises.

30 lb. dumbbell two arm jumping overhead press x20
40 lb dumbbell chest press x20
30 lb kettle bell swing x13 per arm
baseball grip side pull up x15

two circuits, rest for 30 seconds between exercises.

Tough workout, cardiovascular and strength.

Monday was back to Ross Training Infinite Intensity.

10 rounds of:

5 pull ups (alternating between rings and bar)
10 ball slams (alternating between 25 lb sand ball and 12 lb ruber ball)
15 burpees (ouch)
20 jacks

For time.
Closer to puking than I have come in a long time. Figured out the sand ball is too heavy for this workout. No more than 12 lbs.

Thursday the 26th

Woke up and ate yogurt. Ate a lot of yogurt over the past couple of days. It’s on sale, the organic kind, at the supermarket. Ten for six bucks. Throw in some oatmeal, some banana, delicious.


1 minute on/30 seconds off
Jumping Jacks
Split runs
The Bear

Something else….can’t remember
6 rounds, 9 minutes

Ross Training day 4

30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds high knee running with 8 lb dumbbell alternating shoulder press
30 seconds shadow box/heavy bag

All exercises are to be performed as fast as possible with maximum exertion.
5 rounds, 10 minutes

Core work…
Standing ab wheel roll outs (brutal) x5
V-ups x15
Russian Twist x20
Bicycle x100

I wanted to do the core work three or four times, only got to do it once. I’ll finish it tomorrow.

Pool work.
5 minute moderate intensity front crawl warm up.

4×100 meter Individual Medley (back, breast, fly, free)
I do this in a 12.5 meter pool, so there are quite a few turns but it works.

1. 1:44
2. 1:39
3. 1:42
4. 1:36

Done at three minutes, so between 1:16 and 1:21 rest period.

Cool down while the little one swam her laps…she’s getting fast and learning to breathe….followed by not enough stretching.

Tuesday and Wednesday


4 x 800 meters with 90 seconds rest

1. 2:50
2. 2:50
3. 2:55
4. 2:44

4 x80 meter sprints
11 seconds each

Core training:
-The flag x5 (back on bench, raise body to shoulder blades, feet straight up, lower body as slow as possible)
-Supermans on Swiss ball x15
-Side bends x 6 each side w/ 60 lb. db (grab dumbbell, let weight slide down leg, raise weight to hip)
-Twisting wall slams with 12 lb med ball x8 each side

Repeat circuit x3


a. 1 Arm db clean and press w/ 75 lb. db x3 per arm, 4 sets, 90 seconds rest

b. 1 Arm db snatch w/ 70 lb. db x4 per arm, 4 sets, 90 seconds rest

c1. one leg pistol squat x5 each leg
c2. glute hamstring raise x5
4 super sets sets, 45 seconds rest

d1. 35lb. weighted pull up/chin up x5
d2. 35. lb weighted push up with feet up x15
4 super sets, 45 seconds rest


Visit Ross Training, this guy is for real.


The Magic 50
By Ross Enamait – Published in 2005

The Magic 50 is one of many routines contained within the Infinite Intensity training manual. The workout is listed below.
Perform 5 circuits of the following:

5 Dumbbell Snatches Per Arm
5 Dumbbell Swings Per Arm
10 Burpees
Rest 60 seconds and repeat

Continue until you have performed five complete circuits. Limit rest to 60 seconds or less between each circuit. Advanced athletes will work through the entire routine with minimal rest. The total workout consists of 50 dumbbell snatches, 50 dumbbell swings, and 50 burpees. This routine is brief, yet extremely intense. If the workout does not pose an adequate challenge, you should increase the weight of your dumbbell. More iron always equals more intensity. You can use one or two dumbbells for this routine. Certain individuals may snatch much more weight than they can swing. In these instances, you can set up two side-by-side stations. The heavier dumbbell will be used for snatches. You will then side step to your second station and perform swings with the lighter dumbbell. If you do not possess a considerable strength difference between snatches and swings, stick with one dumbbell. It will allow for a faster transition between movements. Whether using one or two dumbbells, choose the heaviest load that you can handle. The key to this workout’s success is to move from one exercise to the next, as fast as possible. If you use two dumbbells, limit time between movements. You will start by snatching the dumbbell five times with each hand. Start with your non-dominant hand (ex. left hand snatch x 5, then right hand snatch x 5). After completing the snatches, perform five dumbbell swings with each hand (no rest between movements). Quickly drop the dumbbell and perform 10 explosive burpees. Focus on maximum exertion with each effort. Recover quickly and continue with another pass through the circuit. At the conclusion of five circuits, your heart will be beating like a drum. Continually challenge yourself to reduce the total time required to complete the circuit. This routine will do wonders for work capacity and explosive endurance. Conditioning workouts need not be lengthy.
Intensity is much more important than the duration of the workout.
For example, one boxer may jog for 40 minutes to satisfy his “roadwork” requirements. The athlete who stays home and performs The Magic 50 routine will finish his workout in half the time. He will achieve far more benefits from this brief circuit. As Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” When you step inside the ring, your opponent is the enemy. This workout can be performed 1 to 3 days per week depending on your condition and weekly workload. This workout is just one of many that is featured in the Infinite Intensity text. A complete 50 day program is also included, with details on how to construct a routine specific to your goals.

Smashing the hour barrier

I spent the last two seasons of triathlons riding 3″ too high in the saddle which hurt my hips, numbed my back, on occasion made it so I couldn’t feel my nether regions after the bike ride (!!!) and always slowed me on the run portion of the race.

Yesterday I went to the nice folks and Scoot Skate and Bike at 18th and Biscayne, got myself a great tune up and today it was like riding a new bike. I broke the hour barrier with a 58:09. This was something that I tried to achieve for two years without success and a simple equipment tweak was all the difference.

Many people feel that they have their workout, they can do it on their own and no one can tell them different or better. I still seek out trainers and learn from them through working out with them. Some use heavy lifting and slow movement, some fast and brutal circuits, others controlled movement focused on bio mechanical correctness. Every one that I have hired has had something to offer. Never underestimate the power that an informed and educated outside perspective can have. I’d still be doing sets on machines if I hadn’t been taught better. Everyday is still a chance to gain knowledge.

Wednesday, Thursday, etc.

Wednesday was a rest day, with a few pull ups in slow motion, along with a warm up in order to do some solid stretching routines. The Fight Gone Bad really took its toll leaving my hamstrings sore for the whole week.

Thursday I had the opportunity to play basketball at the home of Bee Gee great Barry Gibb. A full court, 15 guys and games until no one could keep going. A great way to spend an evening. I left sweaty, tired and smiling.

Friday was another light day as Sunday is the first in the Key Biscayne Triathlon trilogy. Did some of the morning class core work as well as the evening class warm up and leg/glute/core work.

Today, no work out. A full rest day and carb loading, as well as a much needed bike tune up, goggle test and gear readying. Time to see how these newly explosive legs put up with an hour of straight GO!